Founded 1972













THE NEW JERSEY POSTAL HISTORY SOCIETY was established in 1972, to study and explore the many aspects of New Jersey postal history.

The society produces a quarterly award winning journal in electronic and hardcopy format, which publishes articles on a variety of subjects relating to this theme. Join the Society and receive NJPHS as a benefit!

Society Secretary




































































































































































































































































NJFSC Chapter #44S..........PHS Affiliate #1A..........APS Affiliate #95

Society & Member's Galleries....
As we continue to add more galleries, some will be for public display while many will be reserved for members access only.

Featured Covers Gallery
November 2015 Issue of the NJPH Journal THE HISTORY of the BATSTO Post Office by Arne Englund

The cover shown in Figure 1 is the first reported example of the stampless-era Batsto, NJ CDS. At NOJEX in 2013 I asked one of the cover dealers if he had any New Jersey covers, and he replied that he only had a few, which he’d just acquired. This cover was on the top of the small stack, where it stayed for all of about two seconds(!).


The red BATSTO JAN 10 N.J. CDS measures 30mm. The matching red PAID 3 handstamp measures 22mm. Closeups of each are shown in Figures 2 and 3.


The cover is not dated, but as the Batsto Post Office was opened June 28, 1852, and as mandatory prepayment of postage by U.S. postage stamps was enacted in March of 1855, the envelope would then date between 1853 and 1855.

A manuscript BATSTO cancel on cover with a 3¢ 1851 stamp and docketed 1852 is shown in Figure 4, it being sent only 3 months after the establishment of the P.O. and, of course, predating the stampless cover as well.


Batsto, Burlington County, and nearby Pleasant Mills, in Atlantic County, are only about a mile or so apart, and thus have always been closely tied together, including the back and forth establishing and discontinuation of post offices.

The area around Pleasant Mills was early on known as Sweetwater, and also as The Forks, being at the forks of the Batsto and Mullica Rivers. During the Revolution, privateers brought captured British ships to The Forks and nearby Chestnut Neck, and unloaded the cargo to be sold at public auction. On Oct. 6, 1778, British troops attacked Chestnut Neck, raiding and burning dwellings and whatever ships were there. Their intention was to then continue upriver and destroy The Forks and the munitions-producing furnace at Batsto, but they retreated when they were warned that Count Pulaski and his legion would soon be there to protect the area.

The establishment and discontinuation of the two post offices is as follows:


Batsto and its ironworks figure prominently in the colonial and revolutionary history of southern New Jersey. This ironworks was one of a number of furnaces in the area which were erected in the late mid to late 18th century and early 19th century, utilizing bog iron in the manufacture of products. At one point there were 17 furnaces and as many forges scattered throughout the Pine Barrens.

Located in Washington Township, Burlington County, in what is now Wharton State Forest in the Pine Barrens, the tract of land on which Batsto was located had previously had several sawmills, one possibly as early as 1739.

South Jersey legislator, merchant, and land speculator, Charles Read, bought the tract in 1766, and soon after gaining permission from the legislature to dam the Batsto River, built the furnace at Batsto. Having also bought several other iron works, Read sold his share in Batsto within two years to business partners.

Batsto was purchased in 1770 by Daniel Coxe and partner, Charles Thompson. Pig iron, stoves, skillets, kettles and other household items were manufactured. During the American Revolution, the furnace turned to producing cannons, cannonballs, as well as other iron products needed by the Continental Army for the patriot cause.

In 1773, Coxe hired as Batsto’s manager William Richards, an eastern Pennsylvania iron foundry worker who had five years earlier worked at Batsto for a year. With the coming of the Revolution, Richards went back to Pennsylvania in 1775 to be nearer the center of conflict, possibly spending the winter of 1778-9 at Washington’s camp at Valley Forge.

In 1779, William’s nephew, Joseph Ball, who had come with him to Batsto in 1773, acquired the ironworks along with two partners who were officers in the Continental Army. Under his ownership, a forge was built, which enabled the manufacture of wrought iron products.

William Richards returned to Batsto in 1781, and in 1784 became the owner, rebuilding the furnace and erecting the mansion in the village. Under his ownership, the business prospered and at one point the town had a population of over 500 people.

William Richards’ ownership continued until 1809, at which point he turned management over to his son, Jesse. During the War of 1812 Batsto again produced munitions for the American military.

With William’s death in 1823, the property was purchased by his grandson, Thomas S. Richards, who retained his uncle, Jesse, as manager. Within six years, Jesse was a half owner of Batsto.

By the middle of the 19th century, the South Jersey bog iron industry was in decline. The natural stores of bog iron had been almost depleted by the 1820’s, and “the final blow to the Pine Barrens iron industry came when richer ore and a more efficient fuel, in the form of coal, were discovered in Pennsylvania”.2 Recognizing this, Jesse Richards built a window glass works at Batsto in 1846, and a second glassworks in 1848, in which year the iron furnace went out of blast for the last time. During the 1840’s there was also a brickworks at Batsto, as well as some shipbuilding activity. (Capt.) Samuel Gaskill, to whom the Batsto stampless envelope is addressed, was perhaps the most famous shipwright of Mays Landing.



In 1852, during the peak years of the Batsto Glassworks, the town had a population of 375 people living in 75 houses located on six village streets. There was also in the village the mansion, believed to have been built by the Richards family, a portion of which may have been built before their ownership; the general store/P.O., the earlier section having been built prior to the Revolution, and the western end built in 1846-7; the grist mill, which was built in 1828 and is still in working condition; the blacksmith and wheelwright shops, both built around 1850; and the sawmill (the present sawmill was built in 1882). The religious needs of the community were served by the Methodist Church at the nearby village of Pleasant Mills, the church having been built in 1808 on the site of a much older church.


Jesse Richards died in 1854 and was buried in the cemetery at the Pleasant Mills Church. The Batsto Glass Works had operated successfully under his proprietorship. However, with his death, ownership went to his son, Thomas H., who was more interested in politics and public life than in industry.

The Glass Works started to decline. Workers also began to demand cash rather than store credit as per the company town system. An anticipated railroad line never materialized. Workers moved elsewhere and the houses in the village began to fall apart. Thomas Richards had tried to prevent bankruptcy by selling off parcels of land, but by 1868 industry at the town had come to a standstill, and Batsto went into receivership. A fire in 1874 destroyed what was left of the furnace and glassworks, and consumed 17 of the workers’ houses.

Joseph Wharton, a Philadelphia industrialist, bought the property two years later for $14,000. Wharton was buying up large parcels of property in the Pine Barrens with the idea of damming its rivers and streams in order to create large reservoirs from which he could pipe water to sell to the city of Philadelphia. The New Jersey legislature then passed legislation prohibiting water being sent out of state. Wharton then concentrated on agriculture and livestock on the land he had bought in the Pines.3

By the time Wharton died in 1909, he had accumulated 112,000 acres in the Pine Barrens. In 1912, his heirs attempted to sell the land to the state of N.J. for $1 million, but the state declined.4




In the early 1950s the U.S. Air Force tried to establish a gigantic jetport supply depot on 17,000 acres surrounding Batsto. At this point, the state recognized the potential of the Wharton tract, and began to make efforts to buy the land. In 1956, the state bought 96,000 acres for $3 million, and Wharton State Forest came into existence – the largest State forest in New Jersey, encompassing some 115,000 acres of Pine Barrens land. Within a year an extensive restoration project had been launched for the historic village of Batsto.

That project included preservation of the Batsto post office there as well. It was restored
and reopened in 1966, and still acts as a post office today, as a rural station of Hammonton. It
has no zip code, in keeping with its historic nature, and mail is hand cancelled.


It is now possible to visit this village in its restored state. For more information and directions, go to: http://www.batstovillage.org/


For those who would like to learn more about the history of Batsto, the Richards family, and the furnaces, forges and bog iron industry of the Pine Barrens region, information is contained in a number of publications. Some of these sources are:

  • Beck, Henry Charlton, Forgotten Towns of Southern New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U. Press, 1983.
  • Beck, Henry Charlton, More Forgotten Towns of Southern New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U. Press, 1963.
  • Beck, Henry Charlton, Jersey Genesis: The Story of the Mullica River, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U. Press, 1983.
  • Boyer, Charles S., Early Forges and Furnaces in New Jersey, Univ. of Penn. Press, 1963.
  • Pearce, John E., Heart of the Pines: Ghostly Voices of the Pine Barrens, Hammonton, NJ: Batsto Citizens Committee, 2000.
  • Pierce, Arthur D., Family Empire in Jersey Iron: The Richards Enterprises in the Pine Barrens, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U. Press, 1964.
  • Pierce, Arthur D., Iron in the Pines: The Story of New Jersey’s Ghost Towns and Bog Iron, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U. Press, 1957.
  • Solem-Stull, Barbara, Ghost Towns and Other Quirky Places in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, Medford, NJ: Plexus Pub., 2010.

1 See http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/batsto-j-10-1852-early-use-494868769.
2 Solem-Stull, Barbara, Ghost Towns and Other Quirky Places in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, Medford, NJ:
Plexus Pub., 2010.
3 Joseph Wharton had also built large furnaces in the area now known as Wharton, NJ. He was, besides a
businessman heavily involved in mines and lands, a philanthropist and educator, and founded the Wharton School
of Commerce and Finance at the University of Pennsylvania in 1881. (See Joseph Wharton Family Papers, 1691-
1955 at http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/friends/ead/5162jowh.htm).
4 The author wishes to acknowledge that much of the background material comes from Ghost Towns and Other
Quirky Places in the New Jersey Pine Barrens by Barbara Solem-Stull.
5 From a Batsto Village pamphlet entitled Historic Batsto Village, A New Jersey State Historic Site administered by
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Parks and Forestry, State Park Service

Past Featured Covers


August 2015 Issue of the NJPH JournalStraight Line Post Marks of NJ: Lawrenceville by Robert G. Rose....The U.S. Philatelic Classics Society is in the process of completing an update of the American Stampless Cover Catalog, which was last revised in 1997. That project has been supported by the New Jersey Postal History Society, whose members have
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The Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, and only one week later, our 16th President was dead from an assassin’s bullet. This mourning cover for Lincoln....
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February 2015 Issue of the NJPH JournalSHORT-LIVED NEW JERSEY POST OFFICES By Arne Englund
New Jersey has had over 900 name-different post offices over the course of time. Of these, however, 124 were in operation for only a year or less. Another 28 operated for less than two years..
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November 2014 Issue of the NJPH JournalN.J. LOCAL POSTS: Bayonne City Dispatch By Larry Lyons
This is the third of a series of articles on New Jersey’s local stamps. Local Posts were established as early as the 1840’s by enterprising private individuals and companies who carried letters within city limits – including to and from Post Offices.
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By Ed & Jean Siskin

Burlington, New Jersey was founded by two Quaker groups in 1677, five years earlier
than Philadelphia. It was a planned community and the original draft map of the town prepared in 1678, contains many of the same street names that exist today.
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During the period that domestic stampless mail was permitted ending in 1855, two New Jersey post offices employed negative lettered handstamped postmarks. As a branch of postal history known as “marcophily,” these markings are avidly collected for their eye-catching
appearance.. Read more.....


February 2014 Issue of the NJPH Journal BRIDGETON FORERUNNER, 1694 By Ed & Jean Siskin
The excellent articles on the Bridgeton Post Office and its postmasters by Doug D’Avino
started with its first United States post office in 1792. As a prequel to those articles, it is worth discussing a letter from the Bridgeton area a century earlier. Read more.....


November 2013 Issue of the NJPH Journal JERSEY CITY AND THE BEGINNING OF BIG TOBACCO By John A. Trosky
P. Lorillard & Company, one of the most iconic names in the tobacco industry in America, had its beginnings in the New York City area in the mid 17th century. The company was founded by Pierre Abraham Lorillard, a French Huguenot, in the year 1760. Its small beginnings Read more.....


From November 1, 1845 to June 30, 1855 there was an unofficial type of Registration of valuable letters at most post offices within the United States. The first marking is the large blue “R” applied on receipt at Philadelphia beginning in 1845 Read more.....


May 2013 Issue of the NJPH JournalSTAGE OPERATIONS AND THE MAILS IN NEW JERSEY© By Steven M. Roth (© 2013. Steven M. Roth)


Prior to the Revolutionary War, major travel in the American colonies was restricted
for the most part to the
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February 2013 Issue of the NJPH Journal INTENDED FOR THE GRAF ZEPPELIN BUT CARRIED BY STEAMER? A 1929 Jersey City Transatlantic Airmail to Basel Switzerland by John Trosky


The first decades of the 20th century saw the dawn of a new age in mail transport, airmail. By the late 1920s Read more.....


November 2012 Issue of the NJPH Journal LEGISLATIVE FRANKS OF NEW JERSEY by Ed & Jean Siskin

The franking privilege is the right to send and or receive mail free from postage.
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August 2012 Issue of the NJPH Journal HADLEY AIR FIELD, NEW BRUNSWICK. NEW JERSEY by Jim Walker

Early air mail service in the New York area used an assortment of air fields on Long Island. Hazlehurst Field was the one in use at the commencement of Transcontinental Air Mail
Service in 1924 and was deemed inadequate due to smoke from city industries and ocean fog.
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May 2012 Issue of the NJPH Journal FIVE CENT 1856 STAMP ON COVERS FROM NEW JERSEY by Robert G. Rose

Have you ever fantasized, as have I, of forming a collection of United States classic stamps used on covers from New Jersey? If so, the task to put such a collection together would be a real challenge....
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February 2012 Issue of the NJPH Journal A Wonderful Revolutionary Letter by Ed and Jean Sisken

In the Oct-Nov 1988 issue of La Posta, Tom Clarke wrote an article about a wonderful
Revolutionary War cover he had. Dated February 16, 1777, from New Brunswick, New Jersey...
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November 2011 Issue of the NJPH Journal New Jersey Civil War Covers -Wyman the Wizard!

If you were to conduct a detailed review of the 190 Civil War patriotic covers illustrated in NJPH whole nos. issues 100 and 117, or the online exhibit of covers shown at NOJEX, you can begin to see the emergence of some interesting patterns among the covers. An obvious pattern is that there are several different correspondences represented in the illustrated covers. Read more.....


August 2011 Issue of the NJPH Journal New Elizabeth, NJ Marking


This newly-discovered Elizabeth postmark falls at the time the name was changed from Elizabethtown to Elizabeth, and a new handstamp was created from an existing Elizabeth-town postmark. Read more.....


May 2011 Issue of the NJPH Journal Civil War Patriotic Covers from New Jersey.

The cover below is dated Mar. 10 from Bloomsbury, NJ to West Liberty, Ohio, with the imprint of S.C. Rickards, Stationers, 102 Nassau Street, N.Y., and shows one of the rare New Jersey Civil War patriotic images.

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February 2011 Issue of the NJPH Journal A Folded Letter in art - was it from New Jersey?

This painting by Jacques-Louis David, painted in 1821, shows two Bonaparte princesses reading a stampless folded letter from their father, Joseph Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon.  Was it written to them from New Jersey?

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November 2010 Issue of the NJPH Journal REVOLUTIONARY WAR COVER

The cover of our most recent journal features this Revolutionary item, from Don Chafetz’s prize-winning exhibit of Morris County Mail Service, 1760 to 1850.

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nov cover


These items were made popular by the nice ones that exist from the California Gold Rush days, and those used during the Civil War, where they depicted contemporary scenes at the top of the letter sheet, the rest of which was then used to write a letter. 

Earliest examples usually included an attached sheet and were used as stampless folded letters. 

Later ones were more like letterheads, and were sent enclosed in envelopes.

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nov cover

May 2010 Issue of the NJPH Journal Celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America!

Treasure Island Scout Camp occupies a fifty-seven acre island in the Delaware River between Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  The camp is operated by the Cradle of Liberty Council (formerly the Philadelphia Council), Boy Scouts of America. Read more.....

nov cover

February 2010 Issue of the NJPH Journal featuring a 1995 cover of the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk, the last of the conventionally-powered US aircraft carriers, decommissioned in 2009.

This great ship served almost 50 years in service of her country.

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November 2009 Issue of the NJPH Journal featuring a Holiday Greetings from Viet Nam

Just before Christmas of 1971, a GI-produced Christmas card was distributed to the troops of the 101st Airborne for them to send home.  A hand-made envelope served to carry it home to New Jersey.

As it was late in December, member Jim Walker used a U.S. air mail stamp instead of the usual free frank available to soldiers in combat,
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August 2009 Issue of the NJPH Journal featuring a a Graf Zeppelin cover.

L127 First Trip to the USA in 1928. Special credit to John Trosky for this nice article!

WEB-SITE SPECIAL: an addendum to this article with additional information on an originating 1928 LZ-127 cover from Len Peck!
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May 2009 Issue of the NJPH Journal featuring a DPO cover from Maurer, New Jersey.

A pretty little letter sheet invitation from a local hotel in Maurer (now part of Perth Amboy, Middlesex County), NJ turned up at the Garfield-Perry Show in Cleveland, in JWF (Jim Faber’s) stock.  Used in 1905, it is from a community that literally does not exist anymore.  The location is now the site of a large “tank farm” belonging to Chevron.Read more.....


February 2009 Issue of the NJPH Journal featuring a cameo campaign cover.

A December 15, Hoboken, NJ postmarked Embossed Cameo Campaign Envelope produced by William Eaves was offered this March by Robert A. Siegel Auctions featuring a beardless Abe Lincoln. Only a few examples are known. This Hoboken, New Jersey cover hammered on March 25, 2009 for $2600.00 before the 15% buyers premium! Read more.....


November 2008 Issue of the NJPH Journal featuring a cover of seasonal greeting.


A RFD ”Season’s Greetings” post card, cancelled December 24, 1915 with a Pittstown, NJ  postmark, sent by the carrier on Route 2 out of Pittstown to the people along his route. Special thanks to Member Jim Walker for sharing this cover. Read more.....

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