Post Offices of New Jersey
A History Told Through Postcards
by Late Member Doug D'Avino
The Society is indebted to the late Doug D'Avino for having shared his collection of postcards featuring New Jersey post offices from over the years. Doug cataloged and provided descriptions for hundreds of New Jersey post offices – his hobby and invaluable legacy. Any additional information, corrections or more refined locations (street names) of post offices may be emailed to Warren Plank, NJPHS Webmaster. Information on post offices in the album that have recently become discontinued or dead post offices (DPOs) would also be welcome.
Colonial Covers from New Jersey
Submissions from various sources and members of
The Society
Stampless Covers from New Jersey
Submissions from various sources and members of
The Society
Stage Covers from New Jersey
Submissions from various sources and members of The Society
Private Express Mail Covers from New Jersey
Submissions from various sources and members of The Society
Covers of Judge Caleb Valentine
by Robert Livingstone
Judge Caleb Hazen Valentine was my wife's great-great-great-grandfather and the letters that I have are family pieces that make me feel more like a temporary custodian than the owner of some valuable postal history. The article that I wrote for the NJPHS was Vol. 34 No. 3 Whole number 163 Aug 2006. For the most part, the letters are patronage correspondence that the Judge felt compelled to save. Some of the letters are more personal in nature but for the most part they are intended to sway the Judge on some matter or other before the courts or the state legislature of which Judge Valentine was a member for a time. Several of the letters demonstrate the earliest usage of certain postmarks. A few of the letters relate to Judge Valentine's role as a surveyor.
Advertising Covers from New Jersey
Submissions from various sources and members of The Society
Post Offices of New Jersey
Colonial Covers from New Jersey
Stampless Covers from New Jersey
Stage Covers from New Jersey
NJ Private Express Mail Covers
Judge Caleb Valentine Covers
Advertising Covers of New Jersey
THE NEW JERSEY POSTAL HISTORY SOCIETY was established in 1972, to study and explore the many aspects of New Jersey postal history.
The society produces a quarterly award winning journal in electronic and hard copy format, which publishes articles on a variety of subjects relating to this theme. Join the Society and receive NJPHS Journal.
Society Secretary I Webmaster I NJFSC Chapter #44S I PHS Affiliate #1 I AAPS Affiliate #95