NJFSC Chapter #44S..........PHS Affiliate #1A..........APS Affiliate #95 |
NJPHS Journal ....
You will find a wealth of New Jersey research and history in every issue of NJPHS, the Journal of the New Jersey Postal History Society. Entertaining and enlightening articles about the postal history of our great state, written by fellow members who have made their collecting area their passion. Each issue also contains puzzles for the word search enthusiast. Members receive two adlets per year where they can post their want list and let fellow members know items they are looking to find. The Journal alone is worth the price of your membership! You can opt to receive it by mail in hardcopy B/W format, as well as electronically in full color PDF.
Visit our NJPHS Free Library where we have offered all but the last five years of issues available to you at no charge! To access any of the past five years, you must be a member. Members also receive current issues via e-mail as they are published. Apply for membership and don't miss out on coming issues!
View the online list of the Table of Contents from the last eight years at the Journal Detail Page.