Vol. 43 No. 2 Whole Number 198 May 2015

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  • President’s Message by Robert G. Rose
  • NOJEX and Annual Meeting
  • Lincoln Funeral Train Passes Through New Jersey by Jean Walton
  • All Points West: The Railway Post Offices of Jersey City by John A. Trosky
  • Early Post Offices in the Lambertville Area by Jim Walker
  • N.J. Local Posts #5: Faunce’s Penny Post, Atlantic City, New Jersey by Larry Lyons
  • New Jersey-Built Fleet Tug USS Sonoma by Capt. Lawrence B. Brennan, USN (Ret.)
  • On the Auction Scene: NJ First Day Covers and $1 Columbian by Robert G. Rose
  • J. Theodore Calhoun ~ A NJ Civil War Surgeon by Jean Walton
  • Jersey to New Jersey ~ New Jersey’s 350th Anniversary by Prof. Mark Sommer
  • Webmaster Update by Warren Plank
  • Member News: NOJEX, New Member, and Thanks to Donors
  • Hometown Post Offices: Brotzmanville, NJ by Arne Englund and Len Peck
  • Member Ads
  • Literature Available