The NJPHS Library offers access to a variety of resources including NJPH, the Society’s award-winning journal, and a growing collection of FREE articles. The journal is freely available except for the most recent five years of issues – access to these are reserved for NJPHS members. A table of contents is provided for issues not publicly available. We invite you to join for full access and for the other benefits of membership.
The sections below will guide you to the available resources.

Free Articles
NJPHS helps you explore the fascinating world of postal history with several interesting articles, maps and much more.

The NJPHs Journal
You will find a wealth of New Jersey research and history in every issue of the Journal of the New Jersey Postal History Society.

Publication for Sale
NJPHS offers several books and articles for sale. Visit the publications page for listings, ordering information and an order form.

Word Search
Enjoy a selection of puzzles from past issues of the NJPH Journal. Just click on a link and print them out. Solutions are available as a link in each PDF.
Special Thanks
We would be remiss in not giving credit to Professor Mark Sommer, an NJPHS member and professor who donated his collection of NJPH journals for this project. His generosity and interest in preserving these sources is much appreciated. Also to Charles Livermore, not a member, but who volunteered to scan all those journals not already in PDF format – a daunting job. Thank you for your excellent work.