Vol. 44 No. 4 Whole Number 204 November 2016

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  • President’s Message by Robert G. Rose
  • Over There! A Jersey City Doughboy’s Journey to France and Home by John A. Trosky
  • Two Unlisted 1847 Covers to New Jersey in a Recent Bennett Sale by Mark Scheuer
  • New Jersey Canal Service Usage, A Continued Mystery? by
  • Free Franks of NJ Signers of the Declaration of Independence – Redux by Ed & Jean Siskin
  • USS Utah (AG 16 ex BB 31) New Jersey-Built Ship Lost At Pearl Harbor by Capt. Lawrence B. Brennan, USN (Ret.)
  • Mail Sent Abroad to and from Morris County, Part 2: England by Don Chafetz
  • On the Auction Scene: Lambertville, NJ Negative Stampless Postmark Revisited by Robert G. Rose
  • Philatelic Shorts: New Ark and Gravel Hill by Jean Walton
  • Web Update by Warren Plank
  • Member News: Congratulations! 2017 Calendar! Member Changes & Dues
  • Member Ads
  • Literature Available