Vol. 44 No. 3 Whole Number 203 August 2016

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  • President’s Message by Robert G. Rose
  • Garden State Post Card Club Show!
  • Mail Sent Abroad from Morris County: Part I by Don Chafetz
  • Free Franks of New Jersey Signers by Ed & Jean Siskin
  • NJ Straight Line Handstamps: Basking Ridge, NJ by Robert G. Rose
  • The Last U.S. Warship Sunk On 28 July 1945: NJ-Built Battleship, USS Indianapolis (CA 35), Part 2
  •    by Capt. Lawrence B. Brennan, USN (Ret.)
  • Censored: A World War II Odyssey from NJ to Occupied Denmark by John Trosky
  • On the Auction Scene: Sale of NJ Civil War Covers by Robert G. Rose
  • Spotswood NJ: Request for Information by Mark & Bonnie Sommer
  • Treasurer’s Report by Andy Kupersmit
  • August 2016 Web Update by Warren Plank
  • Member News: NY2016 & APS Show Reports, Member Changes
  • Member Ads
  • Literature Available