Vol. 43 No. 4 Whole Number 200 November 2015

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  • President’s Message by Robert G. Rose
  • History of the Batsto Post Office by Arne Englund
  • LAWRENCE KEARNY, A Forgotten New Jersey Hero by John Edge
  • N.J. Local Posts #7: City Letter Express Mail, Newark, NJ by Larry Lyons
  • NJ Straight Line Handstamps: Haddonfield, NJ by Robert G. Rose
  • Jersey City to Lakehurst & Around the World by John Trosky
  • Nuclear Powered Attack Submarine – USS New Jersey by Capt. Lawrence B. Brennan, USN (Ret.)
  • Edgerston: Window to Life in NJ during the Revolution by Jean R. Walton
  • Foxcatcher Farm – Mixing Felony & Philately by Prof. Mark Sommer
  • Roosevelt-Carteret: A Short-Lived PO Name by Jean Walton
  • Members News: Webmaster’s Report by Warren Plank
  • Member News: Treasurer’s Report by Andy Kupersmit
  • Member News – Other news (Dues/D’Avino card sale) by Jean Walton
  • Hometown Post Offices: Iona, NJ by Jean Walton
  • Member Ads
  • Literature Available