Vol. 43 No. 1 Whole number 197 February 2015

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  • President’s Message by Robert G. Rose
  • Short-Lived New Jersey Post Offices by Arne Englund
  • Additions to a Collection of Civil War Patriotic Covers by Richard Micchelli
  • N.J. Local Posts #4: Rogers’ Penny Post, Newark, New Jersey by Larry Lyons
  • New Jersey-Built Fleet Tug USS Ontario by Capt. Lawrence B. Brennan, USN (Ret.)
  • On the Auction Scene: 18th Century New Jersey Covers: by Robert G. Rose
  • A Melodrama in Four Acts by Don Chafetz
  • Member News: New Members & Changes, and Thanks to Donors
  • Hometown Post Offices: Where is the Bridge in High Bridge? by Jean Walton
  • Member Ads
  • Literature Available