Tables of Contents - January 2000 to Date
While our NJPHS Free Library hosts links to all but the last five years of issues, this page will show you the table of contents from each of these five issues, as well as back to our January 2000 issue. Any issues that are now included in our NJPHS Free Library are linked to their respective PDF Documents.
The page numbers at the bottom of the list will allow you to look back through the tables of contents, four issues (1 year) at a time.
To find a specific topic (or issue), use the search bar immediately below.
Vol. 29 No. 1 Whole number 141 March 2001
- Straight Line Town markings on New Jersey Stampless Covers: Some Catalog Listing Anomalies by Robert G. Rose
- A look at some early interesting straight line cancels which raise some questions
- The Blizzard Mail Local by Harry M. Konweiser
- A reprint of an interesting article on one of the rarest of local stamps, issued during the Blizzard of 1888
- Columbian Dollar Value Hoboken Covers
- Illustrations and some questions on these interesting usages
- Treasurer’s Report by Robert Zanoni
Vol. 28 Nos. 4-5 Whole numbers 139-140 September-December 2000
- The Brad Arch Collection Auction Review by Robert G. Rose
- Some of the prices realized; various items illustrated and discussed
- City Delivery – Lambertville, N.J. by James Walker
- An in-depth look at the postal service of Lambertville, N.J.
- A Brief Look at Postal Sub-Stations by Dennis H. Pack
- A look at the history and formation of postal sub-stations in New Jersey, with a comprehensive list.
Vol. 28 Nos. 2-3 Whole numbers 137-138 March-June 2000
- In Memoriam: Brad Arch 1941-2000
- Annual Meeting Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- The Brad Arch Collection by Robert G. Rose
- Previewing the Auction of deceased member Brad Arch, and reviewing his fine collection of N.J. and U.S. material
- U.S.S. New Jersey BB-62 by Robert Zanoni
- Many lovely covers and much information related to the U.S. Battleship New Jersey
Vol. 28 No. 1 Whole number 136 January 2000
- Secretary’s Report
- New Jersey Inland & Coastal Waterways Mail by Brad Arch
- A nice selection of inland waterway stampless mail, 1790-1850
- Mail to and from New York Harbor Islands by Brad Arch
- Fort Columbus
- Randalls Island
- Ellis Island
- Liberty Island
- Illustrated covers used from the islands in NY Harbor, including immigration mail and censored mail
- The Great Inter-State Fair & the New Jersey State Fair by Jim Walker
- Regarding collector Hiram Deats and stamp dealer E.B. Sterling’s promotion for their display
- Early New Jersey Aviation & Pioneer Flight Covers [illustrations] by Brad Arch
- New Jersey Discontinued Post Offices [continued]
- Illustrations of Post offices no longer in operation, a continuing study